
Everyday ethics is a group which gets together to discuss the ethical dimensions of our everyday lives. The meetings are built around changing themes chosen by our members (e.g. consuming, travelling, friendships, parenthood). The aim is to create a space in which we dare to share the moral situations of our everyday lives, to ponder the choices we have made, and to build a basis for future decisions. 

Climate connection is a project which aims at building a continuous collaboration between climate activists of all kinds, and at getting support from other communication professionals – researchers, artists, teachers, psychotherapists, healthcare professionals, consultants and journalists. In this kind of collaboration it’s crucial to have a shared understanding of the seriousness of the situation. We need to cut the consumption of natural resources. We need to change the way economy works. We need to strengthen states’ ability to control the destructive actions of individuals and companies. Having an sufficiently tight schedule has a huge impact on such changes. Different individuals and organisations have different expectations and viewpoints about the ways we can accomplish these changes. Thus, we need to bring such working hypotheses into a productive, profound dialogue, while always keeping in mind our tight schedule. We have planned several concrete paths of action, which we’ll decide on in dialogue with our partners. Our actions shouldn’t be motivated mainly by the anger about what we regard as the misguided deeds of others. Rather, our motivation should be based on the feeling that we’ll lose something truly precious if we don’t act now. 

Would you like to do something for the environment? is a project in which PlanWe seeks small tasks for non-activists in other climate organisations; these tasks should have a clear time frame and should increase the wellbeing of the participants. The world is full of goodhearted and wise people who’d like to do something, but their feelings and associations are stopping them (“This is way too big for me; such big concepts and phenomena; it’s too difficult to take part…”). We’d like these busy but responsible people to get in touch with us and ask, “What can I do?”. We’ll make them a light offer, and they can respond, “Would it be ok if I did only half of that?” – and we’ll make the offer one half smaller! It’s also possible to take part in our PlanWe projects with only a small contribution of time and effort. 

Climate catastrophe dialogues is a project in which we’ll endeavour to create a dialogue process method for everyday groups (families, friends, colleagues). The project resembles Carbon Conversations, but it doesn’t focus on the individual’s carbon footprint, but rather on an individual’s capacity to accept the realities of a climate catastrophe in a way which retains hope, and promotes the wellbeing of individuals and groups and their various relationships. The realities to do with climate change cause anxiety and various post-traumatic reactions. The processing of such reactions should be done carefully in natural groups, as these effects will inevitably be seen in everyone’s lives. 

The systemic visualisation of the big picture is a project in which we strive to create a visual overall picture of the systemic relationships which different realities have in the climate catastrophe. One of these realities is that the way we communicate has an enormous effect on the wellbeing of our planet – and our own wellbeing. The visualisation can be used in other PlanWe projects as for instance a way of starting and easing dialogues. 

The PlanWe reading circle encourages its participants to learn more about our individual and communal lives through various texts (fiction and factual literature, films, visual art, etc). The participants will immerse themselves in the given materials beforehand, and get together to discuss their impressions. The aim of the reading circle is to bring forward different points of view, and to encourage the participants to compare their experiences. 

PlanWe for Companies is a project in which companies can get in touch with PlanWe and through dialogue come up with ideas for what their company could do for the climate. There are lots of innovative ideas and creative practices in the corporate world. Corporate responsibility is a common concept; we want to create more of it.

Peace talks for economic thinkers is a project in which we try to get established economists into a confidential dialogue workshop with economic thinkers who promote alternative working hypotheses; these workshops would last at least four days. The main focus would be on how the economy meets the realities of the climate catastrophe, and the dangers and alternatives there are. We’re aware that both sides are worried about the climate. In the process we use the peace talk strategies inspired by the International Dialogue Initiative, and emphasise mutual respect as our starting point. Both parties agree how much – if anything – of the dialogue eventually becomes public. Through such means we strive to maintain a social and psychological security, the lack of which has kept these two ‘tribes’ away from constructive and profound conversations so far.